Why choose Malugo Darling?

Pragmatic client centric advice that is tailored to you.

We are dedicated to ensuring our clients receive personal attention and that we deliver commercially relevant, practical and tailored advice.  At Malugo Darling, there is no ‘lawyering’ for the sake of lawyering to generate more fees. 

The reality is, no business operates without risk and the objective is not to eliminate all risk unnecessarily.  Our job is to minimise your risk so you can optimise your reward.


Did you know that one of the most common complaints received by Law Society’s in New Zealand and Australia is that lawyers do not get back to their clients within a reasonable timeframe?

Not at Malugo Darling.  Our service standards require us to get back you to with at least a placeholder within 24 hours (other than during periods of leave).

Transparent and cost-effective fees.

Malugo Darling is small and agile and, as a result, we are not burdened by inefficiencies of some of the larger legal practices.  This allows us to deliver our specialist services at a substantial discount to other practices whilst giving you the personal 1:1 service you value (not teams of lawyers).

In addition, our pricing is transparent and you will know in advance the investment you will be required to make.  Once the scope of a matter is clear, we can also offer a fixed or flat fee for your peace of mind.